A First World Prayer for the New Year (i think i might be back)

Let me follow Jesus.

let me be beautiful and thin while I do it, and well rested.

let me follow Him humbly, without regard to human approval, and let the whole world be inspired by my love and service to God.

let me sacrifice for His glory, and let me trust Him to meet all my needs while I sacrifice.

let me love others even when they don’t love me back, especially when they don’t love me back, so they will come to repentance when they see my selfless actions.

open my eyes and ears to understand God’s will for my life, so I never have to doubt or wonder or be confused or conflicted.

let me learn all His lessons quickly so my suffering is short,

but if my suffering cannot be short, let it be painless,

and if my suffering cannot be painless, let it produce visible blessings around me so I can find comfort in that.

and if I can find no comfort in that, let me feel God’s love.

let me write a great work of literature during my suffering.

let me be one of those people who doesn’t really consider suffering to be suffering.

let me follow Jesus and be joyful in my suffering, and let my joy alleviate my suffering.

Let me take up my cross,

and let it strengthen my flabby upper arms while I carry it.

let me run the race well, and maybe a little faster than everybody else.

let me be humble with my many blessings.

let me be content to shop at Target and wear knock-offs when all around me wear brand names, and let it be a testimony to all around me who know I could afford to buy the real thing but choose not to.

let me be humble and honest if I ever get to the point where I can’t afford to buy the real thing, and not keep on pretending it’s because I’m following Christ.

let me keep my eyes on what is important and not on what everyone else thinks is important.

let me be a light on a hill, not under a basket.

but if I am to be a light under a basket, please don’t let it ruin my hair.

(just kidding)

let me remember always to pray, and especially when I’ve told people I will.

let me be a strength and a comfort to everyone, and especially to people who don’t like me.

if I am to be misunderstood, please don’t let it be about Jesus’ love, or let people think I’m a Republican (or a Democrat).

let me love the sinner but not the sin, and let it be clear to everyone even if I sometimes have to gloss over the sin part to make the sinner feel really loved.

let me never compromise God’s standards, and when I do let me embrace grace.

Let me follow Jesus,

especially if our frequent flier miles will apply.

let me travel lightly in this world, and you know, God, that it’s not about the excess luggage fees.

let me walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil, because I’m an American. And I have excellent health care.

let me follow you, even into places where I might be embarrassed or feel foolish or be the only white person.

let me serve the poor and the needy, and not forget to post it on facebook.

let me be radically and utterly yours, Lord, but still fit in enough to be a witness to my well connected neighbors.

let me follow you Jesus, even if it means aggravating my allergies, even to a place where I can’t buy unlimited quantities of my self-tanning sunscreen.

let me post this prayer and have people think it is funny rather than true.

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